Low Impact Development Information

Low Impact Development Manual Background 

In 2010 the Town of Cedar Point received a Section 319 grant from the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources to develop a Low Impact Development (LID) manual. The grant also provided resources to design and install a series of LID stormwa­ter reduction measures at Cedar Point Town Hall and other loca­tions around the community. This two-year grant was part of a larger effort to reduce and prevent polluted stormwater runoff that is closing shellfish waters in the White Oak River.

The Town of Cedar Point worked in partnership with the Town of Cape Carteret, the N.C. Coastal Federation, engineering consultants Withers & Rav­enel, N.C. Division of Water Quality and the LID Technical Review Team to complete this project.

The grant resulted in the development of the posted documents that are made available to assist Town of Cape Carteret residents and property owners manage stormwater and reduce stormwater impacts of development.

Landscaping Ideas

Native plant materials have numerous benefits for the Town of Cape Carteret  -- they improve the appearance of individual properties and the community as a whole and have the potential to improve the quality of the built environment. 

Natives provide beautiful, hardy, drought resistant and low maintenance landscapes while benefiting the environment by supporting biodiversity and providing ecosystem services.  By retaining and restoring native plants to landscapes, property owners help preserve biodiversity and the unique ecological roles these plants provide.

Once established, natives save time and money by eliminating or significantly reducing the need for fertilizers, pesticides, and  irrigation. It is estimated that for every 5 percent of tree cover added to a community, stormwater runoff is estimated to be reduced by approximately 2 percent.  Additionally, properties with trees are estimated to be valued 5 to 15 percent higher than comparable properties without trees.